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Mantic get serious about tournaments (plus a sneaky look at their Kickstarter)


Depending on who you talk to tournament are either the lifeblood of our hobby, or an infinitesimally small part of a much bigger picture. There is both truth and falsehood in equal measure within the two competing arguments. On the one hand Tournaments are a significant part of some hobbyists interaction within the hobby, so from that perspective it is important. There's also the fact that those who attend such tournaments can often pick up on weaknesses in design and issues with balance far quicker than most others. If listened too tournament gamers would probably be the best tool games designers have for hammering out problems with their games. On the flip side of that is the fact that the majority of hobbyists do not go to tournaments, and neither do they care about them, so why should games be designed with tournament goers in mind? My argument has always been why can't a game be both?
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