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Random Cantrips

Cantrips are the least spells, like ticks or bedbugs who parasitize on wizards. They feed on the wizards' sanity, but so little that the wizards will sooner fall to their Dooms than feel the effects of hosting cantrips. In exchange, the wizards can cast cantrips at will.

Every school of magic has different set of meditations and conditioning that allows the wizards to host their spells, and the specific mental "smell" attracts different cantrips. However, some wizards may wish to mix their cantrips a bit. Or maybe a mutation allows a non-caster to use a cantrip. Or any other reason, really.

Well, here are d100 random cantrips for those occasions:
  1. Manaburn: You can burn any number of MD at will, to no additional effect.
  2. Finger of Ink: Write with you finger, conjuring ink.
  3. Rainbow of Ink: Change the colour of any ink you touch.
  4. Appearing Ink: Enchant ink to be invisible, appearing once a condition is met. Roll d4 when you gain this cantrip: 1) You can select the time it takes to appear; 2) it appears when heated; 3) it appears when splashed with alcohol; 4) it appears when touched by moonlight.
  5. Disappearing Ink: Enchant ink to disappear once a condition is met. Roll d4 when you gain this cantrip: 1) You can select the time it takes to disappear; 2) it disappears when touched by a living creature; 3) it disappears when touched by non-caster; 4) it disappears when touched by sunlight.
  6. Erase: You may remove any non-magical writing by running your hand over it.
  7. Fire Finger: Conjure a match-sized flame above your finger.
  8. Fire Trick: Change the colour of any flames within 30' of you.
  9. Fire Eyes: You can make your eyes glow as brightly as a torch. You are blinded while you do so, though.
  10. Extinguish: With a flick of your wrist, dim or extinguish all non-magical light sources within 10'.
  11. Thaumaturgy: Make your eyes dimly glow, your voice sound with an echo, your hair float in non-existent wind, or something similarly cool and wizardly.
  12. Prestidigitation: Change the colour or texture of an object no larger than a horse for 10 minutes.
  13. Ledgermain: Move a light object with a wave of your finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the ground or turn the pages of a book, but you couldn't open a door or lift a stone.
  14. Wizard Hand: Teleport an object you can hold in a closed fist from one of your hands to the other.
  15. Wizard Touch: Feel an object at range (up to 30') as though you were touching it.
  16. Conjure Gremlin: Call a tiny goblinoid creature with HD 0 (1 hp) into existence. It is not controlled by you and will try to cause general mischief, as far as its small size and strength allow it. It disappears after 10 minutes.
  17. Conjure Rubbish: You always have a piece of string, a stub of chalk, a smooth pebble and a worthless coin in your pocket. You don't actually create or summon these items, only absent-mindedly collect them and somehow always have just enough for your needs.
  18. Conjure Boils: Touch a creature to leave behind hideous rash.
  19. Palm Illusion: Create a tiny illusion in your palm.
  20. Cause Itch: Cause a creature to become itchy for 1d6 hours where you touch it.
  21. Cause Sneeze: Cause sneezing with an evil glare.
  22. Vermin Puppet: As long as you concentrate, you can move dead vermin up to 10' away as a puppet.
  23. Smoke Rings: Shape the smoke from a pipe as you wish.
  24. Ghost Sound: Anywhere within 30', create the sound of (d6): 1) music, 2) giggle, 3) scream, 4) sobbing, 5) footsteps, 6) combat.
  25. Ghost Fragrance: Anywhere within 30', conjure the scent of (d6): 1) food, 2) sandalwood, 3) rotting corpse, 4) arousal, 5) fear, 6) animal of your choosing.
  26. Ghost Heat: You can create a human-shaped heat signature with concentration. To a watcher using only infravision this will appear to be a real person.
  27. Wizard Drink: You appear drunk, but can stop doing so immediately.
  28. Polish: Metal is polished to mirror brightness.
  29. Clean: Clean surfaces by running your hands over them.
  30. Wizard Whistle: You may make a piercing whistle that can be heard from miles away, and may choose to make it inaudible to humans.
  31. Empower Voice: Empower your voice to boom loud enough to be heard over a noisy town square or a quiet mountain valley.
  32. Change Voice: Change your voice in pitch, tone, weight, range, or even accent.
  33. Sparks: Create a shower of illusory sparks or a puff of illusory smoke from your fingers.
  34. Discern Magic: Close your eyes and know whether any magic was used nearby recently.
  35. Discern North: Always know where north is.
  36. Discern Time: Always know the time of the day.
  37. Discern Sun: Always know the position of the Sun in the sky.
  38. Dowsing: Always know the direction towards the nearest body of water bigger than a bucket.
  39. Historic Sense: Touch any man-made item to learn how long ago it was created. You may also receive impressions of its creator.
  40. Death Sense: You can determine the exact time of death of any dead creature you see.
  41. Sixth Sense: Sense a specific thing within 10', though only its presence, not amount or direction. Roll d4 when you gain this cantrip: 1) thoughts, 2) gold, 3) worked stone, 4) spellcasters.
  42. Blood Sense: Taste blood to tell what kind of creature it came from.
  43. Blood Magic: You can permanently lose 1 hp to add 1 MD to a spell you are casting. You can only lose 1 hp per spell.
  44. Heat Water: Heat up a cup of water to pleasant warmth with a touch, or to boiling with a minute of concentration.
  45. Chill Water: Freeze a cup of water with a touch.
  46. Change Water: Change a cup of salt water into fresh water with a touch, or vice versa.
  47. Slumber: You can sleep anywhere, in any position, with a few moments notice. You can set environmental conditions that will wake you, such as "sunrise" or "rain".
  48. Remove Sleep: You can burn a MD to remove your drowsiness. You won't feel fatigued or any need to sleep for that night, but you also won't get the benefits of rest.
  49. Wizard Feast: Burn a MD instead of eating a ration.
  50. Plastic Wizardry: Transfer a blemish or cosmetic feature from one creature to another. You could swap eye colours, or pull warts off a toad and put them on a princess. You cannot make changes with mechanical effects (take away eye, give poison glands or wings, etc).
  51. Staunch: Touch a wound to prevent it from bleeding. You do not negate any damage, but you stop blood loss. Faint white scars will still form.
  52. Green Thumb: Make flowers bloom and leaves grow, or permanently change the colour or form of a small plant.
  53. Deep Throat: You can swallow anything that is smaller than the circumference of your neck without difficulty.
  54. Breeze: Conjure gentle breeze.
  55. Guilty Memories: Gaze at a person to bring up the memory they are most ashamed of in their minds. You don't learn the memory, but they cannot let it go as long as you stare.
  56. Shocking Truth: You can surprise or scare a person to make them blurt out a secret.
  57. Animate Broom: A broom will sweep the floor on its own for 10 minutes.
  58. Animate Paper: Fold any paper into tiny origami animals. These animals will animate for 10 minutes and behave as the animal in question would. They cannot deal any damage and are as durable as would be expected from origami.
  59. Animate Shadow: With concentration, you can move your shadow independently of you. It still cannot leave you.
  60. Control Feather: Move a feather within 30' in any way you like with concentration. It will levitate or write for you, but you first have to detach it from the bird.
  61. Control Coin: You can command a single metal coin within 30' with concentration. It will stand on its edge or roll as you wish, and always fall on the face you choose when you flip it.
  62. Frog Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a frog and may channel its power. You can perform a leap up to 20' horizontally or 10' vertically.
  63. Snake Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a snake and may channel its power. When prone, slither and squirm at full speed provided you don't use your hands.
  64. Fish Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a fish and may channel its power. Gain advantage on swim checks. You like swimming and diving.
  65. Monkey Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a monkey and may channel its power. Climb at your full speed and feel no fear of heights. (You don't become better at climbing, just faster.)
  66. Stag Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a stag and may channel its power. Root your feet into the ground to gain an advantage on any checks made to retain footing or resist movement.
  67. Cat Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a cat and may channel its power. Gain advantage on all check related to balance, tumbling and surviving falls.
  68. Wolf Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a wolf and may channel its power. Growl deeply to gain advantage on rolls to run in pursuit.
  69. White Fox Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a winter fox and may channel its power. You can move on the surface of snow without sinking or on ice without slipping.
  70. Bear Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of a bear and may channel its power. Gain advantage on all grapple checks.
  71. Octopus Tattoo: You have a magical tattoo of an octopus and may channel its power. You may bend your joints at unnatural angles, as if there was no bone at all.
  72. Meditation of Stillness: You can enter a deep meditation where you remain perfectly motionless. You still need air, but do not appear to breathe. You cannot take any actions while meditating and can remain in meditation for a number of hours equal to your Constitution.
  73. Meditation of Serenity: You can enter a deep meditation where you ignore all pain. You cannot take any actions while meditating and can remain in meditation for a number of hours equal to your Constitution.
  74. Meditation of Lost Breath: You can enter a deep meditation where you don't need to breathe. You cannot take any actions while meditating and can remain in meditation for a number of hours equal to your Constitution.
  75. Meditation of Lost Mind: You can enter a deep meditation where you ignore all mind-affecting conditions and effects, including compulsions, insanities, domination and possession. You cannot take any actions while meditating and can remain in meditation for a number of hours equal to your Constitution.
  76. Meditation of Inevitable Death: You can enter a deep meditation where you appear dead to all forms of detection magical or mundane. You seem to have no pulse or breath, have no reaction to any stimuli, and smell as a carrion. You however only appear dead and still require air, plus retain your full senses. You cannot take any actions while meditating and can remain in meditation for a number of hours equal to your Constitution.
  77. Quick Step: Once per round as a free action, you may burn a MD to gain a bonus move action.
  78. Quick Strike: Once per round as a free action, you may burn a MD to gain a bonus attack action.
  79. Imperial Mountain Stance: Press your hands together and count your Strength as 20 against being pushed, shoved, or moved.
  80. Reed in the Wind Stance: Stand on one leg and count your Dexterity as 20 against various hazards that can be dodged or avoided.
  81. Ox Body Technique: Cross your arms over your chest and count your Constitution as 20 against poisons and diseases.
  82. Matchstick Golem: Create a tiny, burning golem from wooden splinters. The golem will follow your commands, but usually burns up in a few rounds.
  83. Resuscitate: If an attack would reduce you from full hp to 0 hp or less, you may spend all your remaining MD to survive it with 1 hp. You must spend at least 1 MD.
  84. Other Eyes: You can see through the eyes of any creature you touch.
  85. Smite: As a part of your attack, you may burn a MD to add 1d6 damage if the attack hits.
  86. Magic Weapon: As a part of your attack, you may burn a MD to gain +1 to hit and damage. The weapon also counts as magical if it was not.
  87. Perfect Parry: As a reaction to an incoming attack, you may burn a MD to reduce the damage by 1d6 points.
  88. Call Staff: You may recall your staff (if you have any) to your hand with a gesture. It curves around objects that it couldn't feasibly move, and cannot deal any damage while it flies to you.
  89. Track: You can pluck an eyelash and enchant it so that you will always know its location.
  90. Conviction: Convince a creature about something you truly believe.
  91. Predict Fortune: You can foretell the results in minor games of chance, such as coin flipping or dice rolls.
  92. Predict Weather: You can foretell the weather a day in advance.
  93. Predict Quantity: Discover the amount of items in a pile with a glance.
  94. Predict Distance: You can accurately tell the distance between any two points you can see.
  95. Soul Gaze: You can tell if a creature is possessed or influenced by magic just by looking in its eyes.
  96. False Facade: You may conceal your true age, injuries and mutations, appearing young and immaculate. The facade may fail in times of dire stress.
  97. Triple Facade: Change your appearance to that of a child, an adult, or an old person.
  98. Comprehension: You can grasp the general intent of any sapient being's speech.
  99. Phase Step: Teleport yourself up to 1'.
  100. Magic Circle: Mark a circle on any suitable surface. Supernatural creatures with HD less than [your wizard templates] cannot cross it.

Edit: Extended the table up to d100.

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