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January painting

Before the break away I had managed to pretty much clear the painting tray - they just needed a bit of work on the bases, which I did today:
The first of Craig's Fallshirmjager were finished off.
The anti-tank chaps.
A machine gun section.
The boss and a chap with an automatic falshirmgewehr
The first Paraguayan militia battalion
The second battalion. 
The painting tray now has another 16 Fallshirmjager and one test figure for the 1588 project.

One of the wonderful things about being away is that when you return a bunch of goodies are waiting for you. I received three Ospreys - The Irish Rebellion, Centurion vs Patton and the En Garde rules - some Jordanian anti-tank nests, infantry and jeeps with recoiless rifles to use for my Pakistanis (yes, that project is on again); and the Foundry swashbucklers to round out my forces for 1588.

I've decided to go back to the India-Pakistan project. The Indians will be built up so that they have enough options that they can be used for Burma 1945 as well. I also found some cheap Battlefront M48s and Geoff has some Centurions that he has offered me, so the whole thing is coming together very quickly.


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