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On my telly…What I’ve Been Watching

It was nice to be able to sit down in the evenings, work on my stitching or planner, and watch a bit of telly. I’m generally not someone who watches a lot of telly, I generally stick to a few shows a or maybe a movie on Tuesday night but I found it rather relaxing. 

Here’s what I’ve been watching.


-The Spanish Princess, Season Two (Starz)—while I enjoyed the first season, I’ve been struggling to get into this season. The characters are just so far from the person they’re portraying it’s almost laughable. I’m not expecting this to stick true to history, even though that would be nice, but I am expecting it to stay true to the books and, sadly, that’s not happening. I will finish this series with hopes of it getting better.


-The Good Lord Bird, Season One (Showtime)—I found this by mistake and ended up enjoying it. This is based on the novel by James McBride and tells the story Henry "Little Onion" Shackleford, a newly freed teenager, who joins abolitionist John Brown on a crusade to end slavery. While this does have some serious moments, there’s a lot humor in this one and I’ve really been enjoying it.


-Discovery of Witches, Season One (Acorn)—I borrowed this on DVD from my Mum and I’ve really been enjoying it. If you’ve not heard of this or the book trilogy (All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness) it’s about a witch, Diana, who accidentally discovers a missing magical manuscript and a vampire, Matthew. There’s love, romance, magic, mystery, and danger as they race to learn more about the manuscript while trying to keep it hidden away from those wanting to use it to destroy other creatures. I’ve really enjoyed this one an I’m looking forward to the start of Season Two next year.


I have this trilogy and I’m hoping to get to read it in the near future. 

What have you been watching? 


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