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Pillow Magazine

A few weeks ago, I found myself on an online publication called Pillow Magazine. It was because of the gorgeous Jorgie Porter! She starred in a photoshoot that was on the website. Luckily for me, the mag had a contribution link, and so I emailed the editor enquiring about contribution.

Today, I wrote my first article and it is now live on the website! I always feel such an acheivement when a piece of my writing is published, even now for HerUni.com although I can publish it myself because I'm an editor. It's nice to have an email back from the editor to say that it's now live on the site.

Here is the home page and there is my article 'By FAYE SMITH'. I LOVE that! It's great to have your name out there on other sites apart from your own.

To read the whole article click here.

faye xoxo

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